There is a serious issue in my life and the life of many believers within the body of Christ; the Church. That issue - we are misinformed! I would like to make it very clear here that I am speaking to myself on this issue. I have been misinformed for years about the Christian faith and it has been a huge detriment to my growth in relationship with God and me effectiveness as a disciple of Christ. Okay, let's get on with it then... I don't read the Bible nearly enough. Ya, I know, that's so old school and conservative of me. NO! It really isn't. It's just plain silly. I am a committed follower of Jesus Christ and I don't know as much as I should about who God says He is and what that means for my life and the whole of Creation. That's a problem as far as I can tell. This problem has been the cause of huge amounts of hypocrisy within the Church over the years and we need to learn from it. I need to learn from it! So what's my issue? Why am I not spendi...